We all know that kids learn best by doing.
This is why Project-Based Learning is so popular in alternative education.
But what if the project doesn't resonate with the student? Then it becomes just another chore.
That's why we work individually with each student to select a project that sits in their unique 'Genius Zone': the magical place at the nexus of their unique Passions, Talents, and Values.
When a student works in their Genius Zone, they:
Love the project because it's something they're passionate about
Gain confidence because they're naturally good at it
Proud of the results, because they align with their values
One Size Fits All: Predetermined curriculum for all kids
Punishments / Rewards: Most traditional schools try to motivate kids through grades and competition.
Lecture-Based Learning: Traditional programs rely heavily on boring lectures and text books
Success Measured through Test Scores: Schools are rewarded and funded based on how well their students perform on standardized tests.
Highly Individualized: Each student works on projects uniquely tailored to them.
Improvement Oriented: Students measure success by the progress they're making on their projects.
Project-Based Learning: Students learn by doing, with the encouragement of peers and mentors
Success Measured through Competency: Kids develop real-world expertise by developing their projects and bringing them into the world.
20-Minute 1:1 Assessment Meeting:
We'll meet via Zoom to go-over your kid's Genius Zone report and choose a project they're super-excited about doing. ($150 Value!)
Access to Genius Zone Project Rooms: Live 2 Hour Zoom sessions where students dive into their projects, fully supported by mentors and peers.
Agile Methodology: Projects are broken into achievable two-week sprints, fostering consistent progress and learning through peer and mentor feedback.
Scheduling: Two two hour sessions are available weekly, year-round. Sessions are Tuesdays at 9 AM and 4 PM Pacific Time.
Documented Results: We track your child's progress to build a record of their progress and achievements, building a compelling transcript over time.
All for $37/week ($9/hour)
Meets Tuesdays at 9-11 AM or 4-6 PM Pacific, ongoing
Custom Genius Zone Analysis - $150 value
Includes ongoing access to our parent portal offering community, support and best practices. ($49 / Month value)